New Customer – Eesti Meedia Group
Creatum is honored to launch a new media product in Estonia that is designed for the Russian-speaking target group.
Eesti Meedia is the leading media company in Estonia and the only one in Estonia to have both print and electronic media channels. Postimees, the oldest newspaper in Estonia is the flagship of the group.
Additionally, Eesti Meedia Group owns half of the newspaper Õhtuleht.
Many local and regional newspapers are part of the group as well, e.g. Pärnu Postimees, Sakala, Virumaa Teataja, Järva Teataja and Valgamaalane. Kanal2 and Trio Group cover the group’s electronic channels. Kroonpress, largest print house in Estonia is also part of the group. Eesti Meedia Group is fully owned by Schibsted, largest media group in the Nordics.